After my post yesterday about racing the poor old lady to the checkout, I received 2 international 'concerned' phonecalls - Kerry - Are you ok?? Did you REALLY bash a granny out of the way AND jump over a cornflakes box? ha ha...
So, today i had 31 things on my TO DO list... I ticked off.......... 2. Bad hey? I tried, really I did, but I just had one of those days. And a ridiculously bad hair day for the record, this wind is not being helping me with this.

Did I mention my friend 'Snog-A-Bron' (Bronnie) is pregnant?? She is so stoked, 5 weeks along and already waddling - bless her heart.
I also heard today that an old friend of mine got married on Friday in a black dress - Tammy, we knew you'd come up with something wacky ;)
Ok, I'm off to braai - I thought there would be load shedding today so I bought braai stuff but they didnt turn the lekkie off due to the holidays this week. TIA! Oh hang on, just got a phonecall from Kat, she needs me to take a volunteer to Cape-Town, so here I go.
Keep Smiling
me xxx
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