Yesterday I went down to Soetwater to volunteer with helping at the Refugee Camp based there. There are approx 3000 people down there, the result of the recent Xenophobia attacks on Cape-Town / SA. The only 2 words I can use to describe what you see there is 'heartbreaking' and 'degrading'.
Kat & I went with some of the I-to-I volunteers, who have been there most of the week, and we were thrown in the deep end! 600 peanut butter sandwiches needed to be made for breakfast, so we got literally 'stuck' in. There were only a few knives, so I buttered about 50 sandwiches with a teaspoon. Kat has a FEAR of peanut butter, so she buttered all of her sarmies with her top pulled up over her face - ha ha - good for you friend. When the men started queuing up to receive their brekkie of Peanut Butter & Jam Sandwiches and fruit, my heart just broke. Its overwhelming at first, and I had to turn away from the queue. Many of these men are well-educated, and have good jobs here. It is so degrading that they are sitting in freezing cold, wet conditions, in tents that the men are battling to keep up, with all of their belongings surrounding them. The atmosphere was pretty calm for breakfast though, and we only had chaos when we handed out the clothing donations, but I will get to that in a minute.
Next, I was in the baby clinic - yay! just where i wanted to be. I helped a couple of moms bath their babies, and even got to cuddle newborn Daniel who was born there on Saturday night. A couple of us got stuck in, sorting out the mounds of clothes / nappies / formula etc that has been so kindly donated by the community. Once everything was sorted into huge boxes, I was called over to the main tent to assist with the clothing distribution.. And this is where the mayhem began!
The camps are set up into 2 seperate camps - DRC/Zimbabwean/Rwandan etc in the camp I was in, and then a seperate camp further down the beach for the Somalians. The Somalians have requested their own camp for religious reasons / Halaal food etc. BUT they desperately require clothing. We had a queue which looked about 10 miles long outside the tent, men / women / children all desperate for something warm to wear. I had 5 seperate men ask me for my corduroy trousers I was wearing - i know.. The police controlled the crowd and they let in 3 women, 3 children & 3 men at a time. The clothing was sorted as best as the volunteers could manage, but we were desperately short of childrens shoes, hats, socks, tracksuits and jackets. Eventually we had to send some of the children away with just shorts and t-shirts, and told their moms to layer them to keep them warm.
The atmosphere in the tent was pretty hostile, as the Somalian women are pretty fashion conscious and were throwing clothes back at us, because they didnt like it, or because they wanted better quality. Sad, but true. Others were so desperate they were grabbing 10 items and we had to ask the police to remove these people as they were not giving the hundreds queueing outside, a fair chance. My heart was breaking asking the cops to remove women who I knew were desperate, but were also not giving the others a chance to receive clothes.
When I left this tent I was stopped by a man outside, probably in his early 30's. He had a grey blanket wrapped around his head and was begging me to go back into the tent and get him a jacket. He said he was sick and he could not wait in the long queue. I couldn't go back inside but I took him to the medical tent. He was very weak, and when the doctor examined him she found that he had not eaten anything for 2 weeks. She discovered a growth in his neck and went off to find him some baby porridge and jars of baby food to get him to eat something soft.
My next stop was the women & childrens tent. I stopped off with newborn Daniels mum, who was only too happy to give Daniel to me to hold. She seemed in shock, and did not say much, I'm not sure if there is a language barrier, or whether she is feeling weak from the birth. I expect she is absolutely exhausted and needs a good long sleep to recover as best she can. I went round the tent and played with some of the kids, coloured in with them, and a little girl coloured in a picture especially for me to take home. Again I had to choke back the tears as I felt bad that I had a home to go to, and this little girl was sleeping amongst hundreds in the cold, but still she wanted me to take something away with me.
As I was leaving the tent I got stopped by a man from the DRC, who just wanted someone to listen. He is a delivery manager for a well known company in Cape-Town. Up until Friday he still had his job and home in Philippi. On Friday morning, word got around the townships that he was still working, and by the time he got to his fourth delivery, there were men waiting for him. He had to hide in the back of the truck and when he got home that evening, the church was busy helping his wife pack up all of their belongings into a truck to be transported to Soetwater. This man fled the Congo with his wife, and cannot return home as he has Refugee Status and the law is such that if he returns home, he will be jailed. He says they are not interested in what the SA government has to say, and they are requesting assistance from the UN. He had an amazing spirit and still remained positive. He had his 8 week old baby girl on his knee and he still managed to make her laugh, despite the chaos around him.
A few of us are in the process of setting up a small, makeshift 'school' for the kids there - as many of their mothers have gone to work and they desperately need entertaining. I have camped an email round to anyone, so if any of you would like the list of what the kids need, please just email me. The community has been fantastic though and lots of food and clothing has been donated.
Okey dokey, I have to go to work,
Keep Smiling!!
me xxx
Thursday, May 29, 2008
Monday, May 26, 2008
We got a merit at Eisteddford! the girls all did so well, but the adjudicator was lank strict..... our girls all deserved honours at least :)
will write more tomorrow - just popping in quickly before i go off to mugg n bean for a pity party ;)
will write more tomorrow - just popping in quickly before i go off to mugg n bean for a pity party ;)
Sunday, May 25, 2008
Tomorrow my baby Tayla is doing Eisteddford - which means she is dancing in front of a hall full of people, on stage – alone! She did it last year and received honours, (81%) she did so well. I think I am more nervous than her!
So, I’ve been thinking, we all have our own little quirks – come on, I know none of you really want to admit to them but I am taking the plunge, by sharing my list with you. Not superstitions, just little everyday things that you just can’t change:
1) I always have to walk up the stairs right foot first, never the left
2) Chip / Crisp packets should NEVER be opened upside down
3) Anything with numbers involved MUST land on an EVEN number. EG: the volume on TV/radio, amount of smarties I put in my mouth, amount of potatoes to be mushed up for dinner – you get the picture. Crap this means I need to produce one more child …. Absolutely no ways, sorry, I make an exception to the rule. I love the little sprogs, but one more and I really would be sent off to the nut house.
4) Due to my photographic memory – I memorize car number / license plates. Weird I know. I never look at the person driving, I always recognize you by your number plate – challenge me, come on, I know all of my close friends ones off by heart.
5) In the shower I have a strict routine – something I don’t usually have otherwise: WASH HAIR – WASH BODY – SHAVE – RINSE – WRAP HAIR UP IN TOWEL - DRY FACE AND ARMS FIRST – THEN THE REST. I never waiver from it – ever.
6) Toilet matters should be done at home and nowhere else – if we go away for the weekend – I hold it in until Sunday night. If im in the mall, I drive home and then go back to the mall. Personal, but true
7) I drive from one side of the mall to the other – I know I know I know….
8) If I am spelling out a word in my head, I flex each letter out in my leg calf muscles. I’m not explaining this very well – I would have to show you. Then again, no I wouldn’t, its too embarrassing.
9) Clothes can never be folded inside out
10) I have a strong sense of smell, and smell lots of things before I eat them/use them. I think this is due to the fact that my sister and I were always convinced my mother was trying to poison us with her cooking when we were growing up. But oh, what I would give for mums home-cooked dinner right now…. J
11) If I hear a song I love, I memorize all the words within a few minutes and insist on belting out my new fave song to everyone I see. – and they simply have to love it too, otherwise there is clearly something mentally wrong with them.
12) I hate routine – washing on a Monday, shopping on a Tuesday, dye your hair on Wednesday… etc etc. it works for some, but not for me. I do have general routine with the kids but my life is pretty spontaneous, and I love that.
13) Whenever im with Hazel, I have to blink my right eye 32 times in one sentence. Just kidding – its just because you insist on blowing your smoke in my eyes friend.
14) I once read that ‘Whenever you leave a room, you should always do one thing before you leave to make that room more beautiful’ something simple, like pick up the book kicking around under the coffee table, that’s been crumpled and stood on by every kid that’s passed it. Smell the roses you have had on the table for a week still in the cellophane. Chuck away the crusty macdonalds burger that has superglued itself to your duvet. You know, simple stuff ;) so I always do it, and hop from room to room like the dam energizer bunny.
15) Always always wipe the bubbles off the sink after you have washed the dishes….
16) Always greet people with a smile, even if you don’t like them. Sometimes a smile is the only thing they need.
17) Talking of smiling, I smile and laugh way too much and often appropriately. Like when someone falls over, or when im trying to argue with someone ( I HATE that) or telling someone some bad news – why oh why do I always smile??!!
Now I’ve ended on number 17, but its ok, because I make an exception if the date means something to me, and I was born on the seventeenth. So for example the following odd numbers are fine to end up on: 23/25/17/29 etc etc etc
Gotta go grab a smoothie – yummy………..
Keep Smiling ;)
Me xxx
So, I’ve been thinking, we all have our own little quirks – come on, I know none of you really want to admit to them but I am taking the plunge, by sharing my list with you. Not superstitions, just little everyday things that you just can’t change:
1) I always have to walk up the stairs right foot first, never the left
2) Chip / Crisp packets should NEVER be opened upside down
3) Anything with numbers involved MUST land on an EVEN number. EG: the volume on TV/radio, amount of smarties I put in my mouth, amount of potatoes to be mushed up for dinner – you get the picture. Crap this means I need to produce one more child …. Absolutely no ways, sorry, I make an exception to the rule. I love the little sprogs, but one more and I really would be sent off to the nut house.
4) Due to my photographic memory – I memorize car number / license plates. Weird I know. I never look at the person driving, I always recognize you by your number plate – challenge me, come on, I know all of my close friends ones off by heart.
5) In the shower I have a strict routine – something I don’t usually have otherwise: WASH HAIR – WASH BODY – SHAVE – RINSE – WRAP HAIR UP IN TOWEL - DRY FACE AND ARMS FIRST – THEN THE REST. I never waiver from it – ever.
6) Toilet matters should be done at home and nowhere else – if we go away for the weekend – I hold it in until Sunday night. If im in the mall, I drive home and then go back to the mall. Personal, but true
7) I drive from one side of the mall to the other – I know I know I know….
8) If I am spelling out a word in my head, I flex each letter out in my leg calf muscles. I’m not explaining this very well – I would have to show you. Then again, no I wouldn’t, its too embarrassing.
9) Clothes can never be folded inside out
10) I have a strong sense of smell, and smell lots of things before I eat them/use them. I think this is due to the fact that my sister and I were always convinced my mother was trying to poison us with her cooking when we were growing up. But oh, what I would give for mums home-cooked dinner right now…. J
11) If I hear a song I love, I memorize all the words within a few minutes and insist on belting out my new fave song to everyone I see. – and they simply have to love it too, otherwise there is clearly something mentally wrong with them.
12) I hate routine – washing on a Monday, shopping on a Tuesday, dye your hair on Wednesday… etc etc. it works for some, but not for me. I do have general routine with the kids but my life is pretty spontaneous, and I love that.
13) Whenever im with Hazel, I have to blink my right eye 32 times in one sentence. Just kidding – its just because you insist on blowing your smoke in my eyes friend.
14) I once read that ‘Whenever you leave a room, you should always do one thing before you leave to make that room more beautiful’ something simple, like pick up the book kicking around under the coffee table, that’s been crumpled and stood on by every kid that’s passed it. Smell the roses you have had on the table for a week still in the cellophane. Chuck away the crusty macdonalds burger that has superglued itself to your duvet. You know, simple stuff ;) so I always do it, and hop from room to room like the dam energizer bunny.
15) Always always wipe the bubbles off the sink after you have washed the dishes….
16) Always greet people with a smile, even if you don’t like them. Sometimes a smile is the only thing they need.
17) Talking of smiling, I smile and laugh way too much and often appropriately. Like when someone falls over, or when im trying to argue with someone ( I HATE that) or telling someone some bad news – why oh why do I always smile??!!
Now I’ve ended on number 17, but its ok, because I make an exception if the date means something to me, and I was born on the seventeenth. So for example the following odd numbers are fine to end up on: 23/25/17/29 etc etc etc
Gotta go grab a smoothie – yummy………..
Keep Smiling ;)
Me xxx
Friday, May 23, 2008
Busy Lizzy
I'm really busy this week with organizing this conference and Garden Route trip..... My life has been taken over by emails, phone calls & the words : Taxi, Shuttle, Delegates, Transfer & Airport have taken over my entire vocabulary...
Tomorrow morning I'm going to watch Logan play in a rugby match at Sun Valley Primary - I'm so excited, he is such a cutie - here's a piccie of him how I remember him: 
while i'm in a photo mood - this is my precious 10 month old nephew Jack, who I have never met!! I need to start making me some cash.... Love u lots precious boy ;)

I HAVE been keeping up my beach walks though - now my mom & sister are unemployed again, I have walking partners ;)
I wanted to tell you my story about my friend Marita, but I need a photo to prove it, and I can't download it off my phone - friend, if you are reading this - email me your photo!!
This afternoon is busy busy with the kids afternoon - one is going to craft lesson, one to horse riding and Shanah bugs is just hanging with mom today, busy busy, and I am just seeing $$$$$ signs..
Tomorrow morning I'm going to watch Logan play in a rugby match at Sun Valley Primary - I'm so excited, he is such a cutie - here's a piccie of him how I remember him:
(i couldnt find one of him smaller - and yes Mands, i stole this from facebook ... :))

and this is him now! too cute - Love u lots Shmoges.

Have a fantastic weekend !!
Keep Smiling
me xxx
Wednesday, May 21, 2008
Photo Shoot
Kat kindly did a fabulous, very impromptu mini photo shoot for us at dinner the other night.
Here are some of her piccies - please take a look at her work on her blog :
I'm encouraging her to persue it - can you tell??
this first pic was finally taken after much hysteria - it was REALLY hard to balance. i had to squat over louise (sorry for breaking your back friend) and Hazel had to sit on my back. It was so funny, the guys couldn't believe we just suddenly decided to sprawl out on the kitchen floor to take photo's, and insisted on tickling us which was not helping the balance thing. The kids were also trying to get in on the photo, so I'm really surprised we managed to get a pic without a kid foot in it.
me and the fabulous photographer ;) im going to keep this pic because one day when you're rich and famous I could sell this photo for lots of bucks. so thanks.
I'm busy reading a book called " My life in my hands " by Alison Lapper. Most of you know her, because she is dead famous because she was born severely disabled and literally has no arms, but she became famous for something - i haven't got to that part yet, there is even a statue of her somewhere. oh i remember now, she is famous as an artist, and even received an award from the queen. I thought the title of the book was a bit insensitive, but maybe its meant to be that way? I'm not sure. lemme find a link :
anyway this woman is a serious inspiration, she had a hellish childhood, but still managed to lead a fantastic life because of her attitude. I'll let you know more once I've read on a bit.
Hazel, I know what you're thinking.... for the record - I fully support Autism Awareness too.
Keep Smiling!
me xxx
Friday, May 16, 2008
I am old!
So, tomorrow I am going to be a quarter of a century – yes people, 25. as in halfway to 50. that is so depressing!! I still feel about 11 ;)
As this post is all about me, all about me, I decided to dig up some old photies of me me & me. They’re scanned in so the quality isn’t that great.
This is me as baby – how cute am I?
As this post is all about me, all about me, I decided to dig up some old photies of me me & me. They’re scanned in so the quality isn’t that great.
This is me as baby – how cute am I?

I’m about 3 here – Shanah’s age. Shanah is like my twin! Check out the next photo.

This is Shanah – age 3! Scary hey?

Oh my goodness gracious – I cannot believe my mother did this to me. I’m like 12 here!! We were touring England for a month in a mobile home, and we stopped at this place called Sanford Park for the weekend. It may have actually been in Wales. Yes Emma & Craig – WAALEES!! We had to fancy dress for some competition for the Kids Club, so my mom dressed up Me, Meg & Sian as kittens. Ok, Meg and Sian were like 9 and 4 so that’s ok, but 12?? I thought I was dead hot, and we won of course. I reckon my mom just did it for a laugh – I’ll get you back mother.

Here I am, 16 and pregnant, it must have been my sexy cat outfit that did it and – yes those are braces on my teeth… Another thing I will just never live down.

And here’s me now - halfway to 50! I don’t know whats worse, this outfit or the kitten – ha ha!! Thats me on the right by the way..

Now you’re all probably hosing yourself laughing – have a wonderful weekend.. ;)
Keep Smiling,
Me xxx
Thursday, May 15, 2008
Just letting my blog know I havent forgotten about it..
I'm snowed under with organizing 2 conferences on this month and shane is going away now for 10 days up the garden route so things are hectic!
will write tomorrow - pwomise!!
I love you blog!
me xxx
I'm snowed under with organizing 2 conferences on this month and shane is going away now for 10 days up the garden route so things are hectic!
will write tomorrow - pwomise!!
I love you blog!
me xxx
Wednesday, May 14, 2008
I love it....
So, most of you know that one of my all-time favourite movies is : 13 going on 30. I know, its weird. Its no-where near a classic hit, like Dirty Dancing for example, but the stupid thing makes me cry every time I watch it and I do not cry easily, ever. I love it because it makes you think about the little things in life you should appreciate and not take for granted because life is so short and before you know it, the things you should have appreciated are whisked away from you and you can never get those moments back.
On the way to school I was trying to self-inspire myself as I’m feeling really tired and blech today. So I thought about the things that I should be grateful for and the advantages of living in this close-knit (sometimes in-bred) little valley. Ok Ok, before you all shoot me down in flames, we all know it has many dis-advantages, BUT I am focusing on being positive (Put it out there - Read ‘The Secret’)
So here are just 7 of the little things on my list that are just SO cool:
( There are 7 because, 7 is my all-time favourite number )
All of the paragraphs below start with the words “I love it …….”
1) that the newspaper man at the traffic lights is the same newspaper man that has been there since I was five years old. He knows you by name, always asks you how your family is, runs over to your car to give you your newspaper first, is always smiley and friendly even though he’s been in the freezing sorry-ass cold air since 5am, AND he never ever looks any older, Mark - you rock.
2) That the girl who was ripped off for years at school for being in the Special Needs class, has a job and looks so happy, and the people at school that teased her, are still walking around like tik addicts, and even now they try and bum 20 bucks off you if they see you in the mall. You guys suck, Edith – you rock.
3) That the headmaster at Niamh’s school – was my headmaster…. Ok, so I’m not that old, but it still rocks. He calls you by name, his door is always open, he loves the kids as if they were his own, and I still feel like I should walk ‘single file on the left hand side of the corridor’ purely out of respect – ha ha. Mr Don – you rock.
4) when you unexpectedly bump into a good friend after such a long time, and you can still catch up and waffle away like you saw them only yesterday, AND that friend is not offended that you didn’t make an effort sooner.
5) That the people in the shops in town have known you since forever, and they seriously don’t mind if you buy something and then have to leave your kid as a deposit while you run to the ATM to draw some money…
6) That the beach never changes. I watched a home video of myself yesterday - I was 9 months old and in my pram on Fish-Hoek beach. The grass area was the same, the catwalk was the same, even the sounds were the same, and that rocks. The only bit that was different was that my mom was lying there in a sexy red bikini smothered in suntan oil totally ignoring me whilst catching up on her tan, and now that I’m a mom, I don’t do that. Number 1 because I would never be caught dead in a bikini and Number 2 because my kids are SO hyper. I’m usually saving one from being carried out by the tide, the other one from being sucked up by sinking sand and the little one from being attacked by a giant jellyfish (EVERYTHING on the beach to Shanah is a fish, whether it’s a Shell, A Bee, An Ice Cream or a Bucket & Spade, Shanah says they are all: FISH!!!! And don’t even try and argue with her, I tried that, and it doesn’t work.)
7) That I’ve had over 700 hits in 4 weeks on my blog ;) - you guys rock.
Hell, I think I should send my list to Oprah for her gratitude journal, I may just win a Nobel Peace Prize or something, you just Never know.
Keep Smiling my faithful blog-readers,
Me xxx
On the way to school I was trying to self-inspire myself as I’m feeling really tired and blech today. So I thought about the things that I should be grateful for and the advantages of living in this close-knit (sometimes in-bred) little valley. Ok Ok, before you all shoot me down in flames, we all know it has many dis-advantages, BUT I am focusing on being positive (Put it out there - Read ‘The Secret’)
So here are just 7 of the little things on my list that are just SO cool:
( There are 7 because, 7 is my all-time favourite number )
All of the paragraphs below start with the words “I love it …….”
1) that the newspaper man at the traffic lights is the same newspaper man that has been there since I was five years old. He knows you by name, always asks you how your family is, runs over to your car to give you your newspaper first, is always smiley and friendly even though he’s been in the freezing sorry-ass cold air since 5am, AND he never ever looks any older, Mark - you rock.
2) That the girl who was ripped off for years at school for being in the Special Needs class, has a job and looks so happy, and the people at school that teased her, are still walking around like tik addicts, and even now they try and bum 20 bucks off you if they see you in the mall. You guys suck, Edith – you rock.
3) That the headmaster at Niamh’s school – was my headmaster…. Ok, so I’m not that old, but it still rocks. He calls you by name, his door is always open, he loves the kids as if they were his own, and I still feel like I should walk ‘single file on the left hand side of the corridor’ purely out of respect – ha ha. Mr Don – you rock.
4) when you unexpectedly bump into a good friend after such a long time, and you can still catch up and waffle away like you saw them only yesterday, AND that friend is not offended that you didn’t make an effort sooner.
5) That the people in the shops in town have known you since forever, and they seriously don’t mind if you buy something and then have to leave your kid as a deposit while you run to the ATM to draw some money…
6) That the beach never changes. I watched a home video of myself yesterday - I was 9 months old and in my pram on Fish-Hoek beach. The grass area was the same, the catwalk was the same, even the sounds were the same, and that rocks. The only bit that was different was that my mom was lying there in a sexy red bikini smothered in suntan oil totally ignoring me whilst catching up on her tan, and now that I’m a mom, I don’t do that. Number 1 because I would never be caught dead in a bikini and Number 2 because my kids are SO hyper. I’m usually saving one from being carried out by the tide, the other one from being sucked up by sinking sand and the little one from being attacked by a giant jellyfish (EVERYTHING on the beach to Shanah is a fish, whether it’s a Shell, A Bee, An Ice Cream or a Bucket & Spade, Shanah says they are all: FISH!!!! And don’t even try and argue with her, I tried that, and it doesn’t work.)
7) That I’ve had over 700 hits in 4 weeks on my blog ;) - you guys rock.
Hell, I think I should send my list to Oprah for her gratitude journal, I may just win a Nobel Peace Prize or something, you just Never know.
Keep Smiling my faithful blog-readers,
Me xxx
Tuesday, May 13, 2008
You sound just like a stapler..
That is officially the weirdest thing any-one has ever said to me, like ever. Thanks Shane.
So, I'm back at the internet cafe thanks to Hellkom messing with my line at home. I actually get loads more work done here because I'm not thinking about making the beds, drinking tea, putting the washing on blah blah blah.
I have nothing to write about today as my mind is buzzing with all of the things to do on my TO DO list, so I'm just checking in:
MANDY - please email me friend, i'm worried about you, I havent heard from you in ages.
LAURA - I'm so jealous you went to Cuba - you are so cool.
KAT - So glad you have the week off work - plenty of pity parties for us in the Bugg n Mean this week
HAZEL - stop wasting time reading my blog and go write your own...
KATE - i miss you!! I'm sorry I missed your Skype calls - all my technologicogical things are playing up this week
CHRIS - big bruva - send me some money - fanks
JULIE - love you lots friend, one day when i visit fiji, i promise to visit you
CLAUD - i am SO getting to your email today... pwomise
TOM - hope you're whistling while you work..
ok, you were all on my to do list, so I can cross you all off now I've checked up on you.
Tayla says to me on Sunday - ITS SOOO UNFAAIRR!! Why is it Happy Mommies Day? I want it to be KID Day. - too cute
Ok I'm going before this guys greasy hair makes me cotch.
me xxx
So, I'm back at the internet cafe thanks to Hellkom messing with my line at home. I actually get loads more work done here because I'm not thinking about making the beds, drinking tea, putting the washing on blah blah blah.
I have nothing to write about today as my mind is buzzing with all of the things to do on my TO DO list, so I'm just checking in:
MANDY - please email me friend, i'm worried about you, I havent heard from you in ages.
LAURA - I'm so jealous you went to Cuba - you are so cool.
KAT - So glad you have the week off work - plenty of pity parties for us in the Bugg n Mean this week
HAZEL - stop wasting time reading my blog and go write your own...
KATE - i miss you!! I'm sorry I missed your Skype calls - all my technologicogical things are playing up this week
CHRIS - big bruva - send me some money - fanks
JULIE - love you lots friend, one day when i visit fiji, i promise to visit you
CLAUD - i am SO getting to your email today... pwomise
TOM - hope you're whistling while you work..
ok, you were all on my to do list, so I can cross you all off now I've checked up on you.
Tayla says to me on Sunday - ITS SOOO UNFAAIRR!! Why is it Happy Mommies Day? I want it to be KID Day. - too cute
Ok I'm going before this guys greasy hair makes me cotch.
me xxx
Sunday, May 11, 2008

Ok, so that says 'Stormers'. Yes, we braved it and went to watch the Stormers in the Storm. I have NEVER been so drenched in my life, it gave the phrase 'bucketing down' a whole new meaning.
We arrived at the stadium 2 hours early for some Non-Existent Pre Game which Shane insisted we get there early to watch. The parking was manic so Shane dropped us off in Dean Street, which meant we had to run to the stadium in the chucking rain. Well, it was absolutely classic.. Hazel had just had her hair done, so she hogged my whole umbrella to save her hair. Halfway there I decide that I cannot go another step as I'm dying of starvation so we stop to get a boerewors roll. What a mistake - it was only dry for about 3 seconds so I had to eat it mushy and wet - yuk, then the stupid thing insisted on repeating on me for like 3 hours so Hazel wouldnt speak to me because I kept burping up boerewors.
Anyways, we are almost at the gate and I turn around to look for Hazel in the crazy sea of very wet people, and she is standing there in the rain with dripping wet hair and her umbrella blown inside out... No sooner has she fought with the umbrella to get it down, a guy walks past her and whacks her over the head with an umbrella.. ha ha, oh by this stage I was nearing hysteria. We start looking for her hubby, and find him with some hot girls hand in his shorts pocket - "looking for money" to pay for the magazine she has just sold him with her flirty eyes, as he cant possibly get the money out himself as he is carrying too much stuff. What were you carrying Dale? Oh yes, your magazine. Which by the way is still in the boot of my car.
Thank goodness we were undercover, and the game was pretty exciting, although Hazel and I think that these rugby players drink far too much tea while they are playing, and dont pass the ball around enough.
We ran back to the car after the game and went off to Cattle Baron - soaking wet. I had a Chateaubriand steak ( Steak on fire ) which was absolutely delicious, and so worth the calories.
Ok, I gotta go to work, but will try write more later on.
Keep smiling
me xxx
Friday, May 9, 2008
oh yay! a comment!
i dont know what it is about my blog, but only international people can comment on it, oh and me? so weird.
so, im going to quickly tell you about me and my friend Kat. Me & Kat (or is it Kat & I?) are the same age, and can be so alike - as in we have a similar sense of humour, big hearts, and we are both really messy. But yet we are SO different - as in I have 3 children, oh no, sorry 4 children, and a married set of friends, responsibility and I'm constantly covered in snot or sick. Kat is single, has single friends, no kids - yet, ok - she is very responsible, and she is super organized.
So, we hold regular 'pity party's' in the Mugg n Bean, which constists of us drinking far too many latte's and cafe moccha's, Kat smokes like 2 boxes of cigarettes, and sometimes we even try and work during these pity parties and bash around on our laptops in there - even though it costs like 200 bucks for 4 hours. oh no, actually my internet is always free in there, but Kat's isn't. So weird.
ANYWAYs - last night i am lying on the couch feeling sorry for myself (dramatic me) and my phone buzzes - Its Kat! Phone me - need to talk. So I send her a please call me coz i'm too broke to phone her back, and she says: Get in your car, (ok, with what petrol exactly?) no no, I will put petrol in, come to my house, lets eat pizza, drink tea and take your car for a spin. Cool! No questions asked, I jump out of my pj's (its like 9:30pm by now) jump into my car and chug up to Kat's house. We did exactly that, ate pizza, ate soup ( well, i did all the eating, Kat just watched ) drank tea & listened to 80's music - shock horror, me ?
ok, i'm going to stop here for a moment. I must have listened to 40 x 80's songs last night - i knew .... 2 of them. Kat is the same age as me but has come to the conclusion that clearly I was in a bubble for the best part of the 80's because I don't remember ANY of this music - I mean who the hell is Lou Reed? And why did they LOVE the electric keyboard so much, oh I cringe to think about it. Kat was flabbergasted that ME, who loves music sooooo much, only knew one Dire Straits song to show for it - pathetic I know.
Kat ended up putting fuel in my machine of a car (thanks friend) and we sped off around Cape Point at midnight listening to SADDO FM. ha ha - it was fun though, I came home, collapsed into bed and only woke up at 8am - oopps. Thankfully Shane had got the sprogs off to school - I'm not usually SO irresponsible before you all report me.
This morning I helped an old lady get up out of her chair in the Wimpy. She was stuck and waved her walking stick at me, indicating I should help her up. I sheepishly edged over to her, wondering if it was a ploy and she was going to bash me with her stick, but she genuinely was stuck. She was quite heavy, but I did it - so now I dont feel so bad about racing the blue rinse granny to the checkout.
The girls are all going off to sleep at sister Meg tonight so I am kidless. I'm going to watch a movie all by lonesome I think - yay.
Ok, ciao!
mwah xxx
so, im going to quickly tell you about me and my friend Kat. Me & Kat (or is it Kat & I?) are the same age, and can be so alike - as in we have a similar sense of humour, big hearts, and we are both really messy. But yet we are SO different - as in I have 3 children, oh no, sorry 4 children, and a married set of friends, responsibility and I'm constantly covered in snot or sick. Kat is single, has single friends, no kids - yet, ok - she is very responsible, and she is super organized.
So, we hold regular 'pity party's' in the Mugg n Bean, which constists of us drinking far too many latte's and cafe moccha's, Kat smokes like 2 boxes of cigarettes, and sometimes we even try and work during these pity parties and bash around on our laptops in there - even though it costs like 200 bucks for 4 hours. oh no, actually my internet is always free in there, but Kat's isn't. So weird.
ANYWAYs - last night i am lying on the couch feeling sorry for myself (dramatic me) and my phone buzzes - Its Kat! Phone me - need to talk. So I send her a please call me coz i'm too broke to phone her back, and she says: Get in your car, (ok, with what petrol exactly?) no no, I will put petrol in, come to my house, lets eat pizza, drink tea and take your car for a spin. Cool! No questions asked, I jump out of my pj's (its like 9:30pm by now) jump into my car and chug up to Kat's house. We did exactly that, ate pizza, ate soup ( well, i did all the eating, Kat just watched ) drank tea & listened to 80's music - shock horror, me ?
ok, i'm going to stop here for a moment. I must have listened to 40 x 80's songs last night - i knew .... 2 of them. Kat is the same age as me but has come to the conclusion that clearly I was in a bubble for the best part of the 80's because I don't remember ANY of this music - I mean who the hell is Lou Reed? And why did they LOVE the electric keyboard so much, oh I cringe to think about it. Kat was flabbergasted that ME, who loves music sooooo much, only knew one Dire Straits song to show for it - pathetic I know.
Kat ended up putting fuel in my machine of a car (thanks friend) and we sped off around Cape Point at midnight listening to SADDO FM. ha ha - it was fun though, I came home, collapsed into bed and only woke up at 8am - oopps. Thankfully Shane had got the sprogs off to school - I'm not usually SO irresponsible before you all report me.
This morning I helped an old lady get up out of her chair in the Wimpy. She was stuck and waved her walking stick at me, indicating I should help her up. I sheepishly edged over to her, wondering if it was a ploy and she was going to bash me with her stick, but she genuinely was stuck. She was quite heavy, but I did it - so now I dont feel so bad about racing the blue rinse granny to the checkout.
The girls are all going off to sleep at sister Meg tonight so I am kidless. I'm going to watch a movie all by lonesome I think - yay.
Ok, ciao!
mwah xxx
Thursday, May 8, 2008
Do you wash your hair?
I'm sitting in the internet cafe again because Shane is using the laptop for an appointment, and there is a guy sitting here who seriously has not washed his hair for like 6 months.. seriously. its long and its greasy and its gross. He will never contract lice thats for sure, the little buggers would just slip straight off. yuk.
I mean washing your hair is like wearing pretty underwear, you just DO it as part of life? The pretty underwear thing is of utmost importance, just in case you're in a car accident and the doctor is a hottie, you gotta make sure you always look your best.
Anyway, that is all totally arb. I applied for a job this morning! Random, but I just thought I would try to see if I would get it. So, hold thumbs. I need to start earning some bucks and its for a Safari bush camp co. based in Noordhoek, so its around the corner which is great and the salary isn't bad. I really really want to do my Doula work full time but I need money to tide me over and to get it going properly and I can't do that right now, so hold thumbs PLEASE! If its meant to be, then its meant to be.
We're off to watch rugby at Newlands on Saturday night, I cant wait! I love love love live rugby, I go all out, paint my face, Mexican Wave, scream at the ref and boo the losing team - which is usually my own team. I have NO loyalty I tell you.
Here's something fun to do if you're bored, Kerri sent it to me yesterday, thanks friend. Type out the sentence you end up with and Email me your answers please, they are so funny...
Pick the month you were born:
January-------I kicked
February------I loved
March--------I karate chopped
April----------I licked
May----------I jumped on
June----------I smelled
July-----------I did the Macarena With
August--------I had lunch with
September----I danced with
October-------I sang to
November-----I yelled at
December-----I ran over
Pick the day (number) you were born on:
1-------a birdbath
2-------a monster
3-------a phone
4-------a fork
5-------a snowman
6-------a gangster
7-------my mobile phone
8-------my dog
9-------my best friends' boyfriend
10-------my neighbour
11-------my science teacher
12-------a banana
13-------a fireman
14-------a stuffed animal
15-------a goat
16-------a pickle
17-------your mom
18-------a spoon
19------ - a smurf
20-------a baseball bat
21-------a ninja
22-------Chuck Norris
23-------a noodle
24-------a squirrel
25-------a football player
26-------my sister
27-------my brother
28-------an ipod
29----- --a surfer
30-------a llama
31-------A homeless guy
Pick the color of shirt you are wearing:
White---------because I'm cool like that
Black---------because that's how I roll.
Pink-----------because I'm NOT crazy.
Red-----------because the voices told me to.
Blue-----------because I'm sexy and I do what I want
Green---------because I think I need some serious help.
Purple---------because I'm AWESOME!
Gray----------because Big Bird said to and he's my leader.
Yellow--------because someone offered me 1,000,000 dollars
Orange--------because my family thinks I'm stupid anyway..
Brown---------because I can.
Other----------because I'm a Ninja!
None----------because I can't control myself!
Mine is: I jumped on your mom because I'm sexy and I do what I want
ha ha - classic.
Keep smiling Keep shining,
me xxx
I mean washing your hair is like wearing pretty underwear, you just DO it as part of life? The pretty underwear thing is of utmost importance, just in case you're in a car accident and the doctor is a hottie, you gotta make sure you always look your best.
Anyway, that is all totally arb. I applied for a job this morning! Random, but I just thought I would try to see if I would get it. So, hold thumbs. I need to start earning some bucks and its for a Safari bush camp co. based in Noordhoek, so its around the corner which is great and the salary isn't bad. I really really want to do my Doula work full time but I need money to tide me over and to get it going properly and I can't do that right now, so hold thumbs PLEASE! If its meant to be, then its meant to be.
We're off to watch rugby at Newlands on Saturday night, I cant wait! I love love love live rugby, I go all out, paint my face, Mexican Wave, scream at the ref and boo the losing team - which is usually my own team. I have NO loyalty I tell you.
Here's something fun to do if you're bored, Kerri sent it to me yesterday, thanks friend. Type out the sentence you end up with and Email me your answers please, they are so funny...
Pick the month you were born:
January-------I kicked
February------I loved
March--------I karate chopped
April----------I licked
May----------I jumped on
June----------I smelled
July-----------I did the Macarena With
August--------I had lunch with
September----I danced with
October-------I sang to
November-----I yelled at
December-----I ran over
Pick the day (number) you were born on:
1-------a birdbath
2-------a monster
3-------a phone
4-------a fork
5-------a snowman
6-------a gangster
7-------my mobile phone
8-------my dog
9-------my best friends' boyfriend
10-------my neighbour
11-------my science teacher
12-------a banana
13-------a fireman
14-------a stuffed animal
15-------a goat
16-------a pickle
17-------your mom
18-------a spoon
19------ - a smurf
20-------a baseball bat
21-------a ninja
22-------Chuck Norris
23-------a noodle
24-------a squirrel
25-------a football player
26-------my sister
27-------my brother
28-------an ipod
29----- --a surfer
30-------a llama
31-------A homeless guy
Pick the color of shirt you are wearing:
White---------because I'm cool like that
Black---------because that's how I roll.
Pink-----------because I'm NOT crazy.
Red-----------because the voices told me to.
Blue-----------because I'm sexy and I do what I want
Green---------because I think I need some serious help.
Purple---------because I'm AWESOME!
Gray----------because Big Bird said to and he's my leader.
Yellow--------because someone offered me 1,000,000 dollars
Orange--------because my family thinks I'm stupid anyway..
Brown---------because I can.
Other----------because I'm a Ninja!
None----------because I can't control myself!
Mine is: I jumped on your mom because I'm sexy and I do what I want
ha ha - classic.
Keep smiling Keep shining,
me xxx
Tuesday, May 6, 2008
Being Productive
So I am forcing myself, kicking and screaming to be productive this week. My To Do List is getting longer by the minute, ok some of it is personal stuff, but still, it has to be done - blech..
Yesterday I was off to Fiji again... ha ha, Kitty Kat managed to drag that one out of my head : " Kerry, Fiji is death " Ok then... I had better stay put.
The whole valley heard me taking the kids to school this morning. Niamh picked up a seaweed 'vuvuzela' when we went away ( its looks like a big horn thing that you blow and it makes a really loud noise - for all you non-South Africans) here's a pic:
Ok, I'm off to do some real work,
Keep Smiling
oh and Kitty, I'm glad there are no keys in my box this morning
me xxx
Yesterday I was off to Fiji again... ha ha, Kitty Kat managed to drag that one out of my head : " Kerry, Fiji is death " Ok then... I had better stay put.
The whole valley heard me taking the kids to school this morning. Niamh picked up a seaweed 'vuvuzela' when we went away ( its looks like a big horn thing that you blow and it makes a really loud noise - for all you non-South Africans) here's a pic:
actually her one looks exactly like this:
Ok, I'm off to do some real work,
Keep Smiling
oh and Kitty, I'm glad there are no keys in my box this morning
me xxx
Chip rolls rock!
So, we went to Betty's Bay for the weekend with Hazel, Dale and our zillions of kids. Shane & I spent most of the weekend asleep, much to Hazels disgust - there's just something about the 'champagne' air out there - ha ha.. sorry friend. Shane was sick and spent most of the weekend farting and squirting - revolting i know. On my way to work this morning I heard there was a big fire in Betty's bay, the day after we left - Shane, I reckon your combustible (is that even a word?) gasses were the cause of that fire... I got a bit of the bug yesterday, so was feeling gross and Hazel just smsed me to say she is spewing up in bed - THANKS SHANE.. Chicken soup is on its way my friend.
Can you believe Hazel has NEVER eaten a chip roll? I was shocked.. we introduced them to the life of the plebs on the way home by insulting their digestive systems with sloppy white bread chip rolls, loaded with tomato sauce - yummy.... Maybe that is why we got sick? Or it could be because we cooked a WHOLE PIG on Saturday night and forced ourselves to eat it for supper & then Breakfast on sunday - that could have something to do with it. Just maybe.

We went kayaking on Saturday which was cool, I'm dying to learn how to do it properly and its a really good workout. Shane & I fought the whole way along the river because he was trying to tip the kayak and I was threatening divorce if he did so. The girls loved it and all had a go at rowing, even Shanah took a turn with her baby oar - too cute man. Hazel got rowed along the river by Dale, a girls gotta look good whilst kayaking along the river you know ;)
I'm sitting in the internet cafe writing this, the girl next to me keeps peeping over my shoulder.. nosey. She edged her chair away from me when she got to the squirting/farting line - ha ha - serves you right for being nosey girl.
(i cant find a pic that says miss nosey, so i'll improvise)

Ok, I'm going to find some food - I'm really hungry. I went to my Doula meeting in town this morning so I'm feeling doula inspired again - I just need to keep it going this time... I can't work when im hungry though, so here i go. Kerry is being productive!
Keep smiling,
me xxx
Thursday, May 1, 2008
And we're off...
so, we are leaving the valley for a few days, so my blog will be quiet. I PROMISE to keep you all entertained next week, and will be back in full force on Monday.
Rest up, enjoy the long weekend, and Keep Smiling.
Lots of lovies
Rest up, enjoy the long weekend, and Keep Smiling.
Lots of lovies
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