Saturday, March 29, 2008

Neither here nor there

Unfortunately I am back in one of my depressed moods… This time I’m finding it really difficult to drag myself out of it, and I’m not sure why.

My aunt and uncle left to go back to the UK today, which we are all really sad about. The girls cried the whole way home after we said goodbye to them, and are wishing they lived closer to their cousins!

I am feeling neither here nor there when it comes to work, my mind is spinning with all different opportunities, and I’m not sure which path to take! And I’m feeling really FAT again. On Friday morning I got a call from a lady that I met last year, she is a mom of 5 who has recently opened a fantastic baby & kids store in Kenilworth called : “ Bumps and Daisies” It is SO cute. She called to ask if I would be interested in showcasing my products through the store, by renting shelf space. I am really excited about it, and know that it will be an awesome opportunity for me to get my ‘Womb Service’ products off the ground. I currently have one doula client due, but am finding it difficult to pursue this at the moment because of my transport issue and with Shane working odd hours, it is difficult to organize the kids if we both need to leave the house at 4am!

My work at the restaurant is exciting and certainly keeps me on my toes, but I am finding it difficult to motivate myself to go there at the moment. Oh I wish I had a fairy godmother to tell me what to do!

Well, today I certainly appreciated the beautiful area which we live in. The girls & I started our day with milkshakes and latte’s at the Farm Village. The kids played nicely on the park and I stopped to chat to a few friends. Then my friend Ann called to say she was also on her own with her girls, so I met her at Fish-Hoek Beach for lunch. The beach was STUNNING! The sun was shining, a cool breeze was blowing and I bumped into my sister-in-law so Shanah was entertained by building sand castles with her cousin. After a couple of hours of soaking up the sun we went down to the Beach Cottages to chill out and eat some more J with my mom, Marg & Pete, Shel, Q, Josh, Meg n Mike. It was relaxing and I managed to tan a bit, I’m pretty brown now, YAY! We have just ended the day by taking the girls round the block on their bikes and they have played on the park which we are so lucky to have literally RIGHT outside our front door, so I really cant complain.

Oh blech, Ok, I’m going to go and chill out in my haven for a bit. Every girls haven? Their bathroom J I love love love my bathroom. Whenever I’m in one of these moods I take a special trip down the toiletry aisle at the supermarket and chuck all sorts of lotions, potions and candles into the trolley. There’s nothing better than a bubble bath, candles, a good book, a glass of wine & a slab of chocolate. Wrap yourself up in a big fluffy towel, rich cream from head to toe, comfy pj’s and flop in front of a funny movie. Oh yummy! I’m feeling better already.

Oh, by the way, if any of you bump into the Fairy Godmother, please send her my way! Princess Kerry is in desperate need of some of that fairy dust…


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