Sunday, March 2, 2008

All you need is Love...

The local theatre is currently showing a performance titled: " All you need is love " a trip down memory lane with the Beatles. Every time I've seen the advert this week, of course... I have BURST into song :) It got me thinking, maybe those Beatle dudes were right? Maybe all you need is.... Love?
Really, that is all we need in life, Love. Something to think about... :)
So, This morning I was up at 5:45am to fetch my precious Kitty Kat from the airport. (Kitty the person - not the Hello Kitty Hazel... ) I was late - due to the cyclists training for the cycle race - but Kat still came strolling out of the airport with her heavy cases, and a cup of steaming hot coffee for me, my 2 giant packets of milk buttons, my long-awaited Ribena & even chocolate penguins for Marita. Aw my friend, I have missed you! On the way home, we had to slow down quite often for the 'training cyclists' which made Kitty think of a FABULOUS plan for us next Sunday. We are to TANDEM ride in the Argus Cycle Tour people!! Ha ha, a friend commented: "Kerry, are you mad? You will die... " Anyway it was a pretty ingenious plan, of course I scouted the net and here's a pic of us:

Sexy huh? Ha ha, can you imagine it? We would seriously kill each other after one kilometre, but 'All we need is love' hey?

Shane & I then took the sprogs off to Silvermine Reserve for the day to braai and meet up with friends. We had an absolute ball ( even though I had to walk about 2kms in the boiling hot sun.. yes, me ... walk ) the kids fished in the dam, swam, played nicely, and of course every single child needed to poo in the middle of vrikking NOWHERE.. Lets just say there are some well-fertilized bushes on that mountain tonight ;) We came home in high spirits, tired, happy, sunburnt, but also with renewed energy to begin the hectic week ahead. Hell, the kids even went to bed without a single moan, AND I agreed to go camping... I know, its scary. But, our day was so relaxing and it showed me again that its the simple things in life that count...'All you need is love ;) ' I know, I know I'm being mushy but hey, thats my mood tonight ;)

Dam, my teacup has a hole in the bottom of it so my tea is spilling everywhere...

A special friend summed it up pretty well: "One day when I end up in an old age mental institution, rocking away in my rocking chair I know its these special moments with special people that will play over and over in my mind, and no-one can take those moments away from you, no matter what." Sweet hey?

So, on my really mushy note, I will bid you all goodnight, my sweet, special friends :)

Here's a quote for you to keep in mind this week:

To the world you may be one person,but to one person you may be the world.- Bill Wilson -

Ok, I know you're all thinking: Where is Kerry, what have you done with her... ha ha :)

Love u guys,



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