Tuesday, July 8, 2008

So, I'm back!

Hello!! I am back, after much persuasion from friends to 'get your arse in gear and update your blog!' - I am trying to be inspired and write a little something for you to read..
I could sit here and write about how hectic life has been, decisions that needed to be made, my house that is an absolute pig sty, etc etc etc, but I think all that boring, draining reading will make you all reach for your mouse and click the cross in the top right hand corner of your screen, so I'm going to stop right there! No excuses, I have been a crap blogger and a crap friend of late - and I am sorry - from the bottom of my beating heart :)

This post is just going to get me back into the swing of things, so I am just posting some photies of what I've been doing lately to update you all a little, and its easier on my brain to just caption the photies instead of writing a long in-depth story - lazy i know!
So, Here goes:
Finally, the photies of Kat's leaving party!

1) Kat - I know you are going to kill me for this pic - but seriously, it is all over facebook, so I dont think you will mind me putting it here...

This gorgeous green waistcoat was part of my leaving present to Kat, as most of you know, Kat & I were Mugg n Bean Pity Party Junkies, and it took a LOT of 'removing from the refugee camp' skills (Thanks Pete Feet... ) for me to get this limited edition, gorgeous, green Mugg n Bean, knitted waistcoast to Kat. I can't tell you the whole story because Pete and I may get arrested, so lets just leave it at that. Kat, I KNOW you are wearing this every day..

2) Ok, this is us looking a little more normal...
3) Me & Medha - one of the i-to-i volunteers, isnt she beautiful? Miss you my friend.. She chopped that skirt up all by herself - I'm desperately looking for a mini denim skirt, I should have just nicked yours ;)

4) Ok, this is explainable - they serve these awesome 'Bucket Cocktails' at Octopus Garden which are absolutley delicious, although lethal.. I really was just posing for the camera - I dont know about you two though! ;)

5) Emma & Craig - our 'Welshies'. This was somewhere else, but you guys deserve a piccie on my blog because we love you lots:

Ok, moving on:
Girls night at Bohemian Yard - this was a lot of fun. Bohemian Y is a new restaurant opened in Fish-Hoek with live 'diva' entertainment, and very... erm .. Bohemain Decor! Its very girly and was so much fun..
1) Me & Lou:
2) Hazel - centre of attention :) check pams face on the right hand side - ha ha

3) Me, Megs and Shel, sipping up the strawberry daquiri's - crap, my stomach roll is not actually that fat!! I hope. Bad lighting clearly. Wow, thats really bad. Going home now to eat NOTHING but air and mung beans.

Louise's braai!
1) The gals:
2) - crap i have a number 2 but the picture uploader wont connect now!

Clearly a sign that I have shown you enough and I need to go get some food. - well, some mung beans.

I will write on Monday - PROMISE - I already have the topic: The world's worst jobs - whats your idea of the absolute worst job in the world?

Keep Smiling,
me xxx

Friday, July 4, 2008

Nikki Noo's Art

I know I've been a bad blogger of late... Life is wearing me down at the moment and I don't have a second to fart never mind blog.. I am getting organized though and will get back to normal asap - promise :)

I just found these awesome pics of my friend Nicole's art - she sketched / painted ( sorry friend, im so crap ) all of these herself - you are so talented my friend...

This one is clearly inspired by me:

oh, and this one :

and this one is my absolute favourite - I'm going to buy it. Its called 'Marriage: 6am' i think? I love it - Nic, I want this one.

1940's sex in the city girls :)

Ok, I'm off to bed, need to ssslllleeeeeppp,

Keep Smiling,


me xxx

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

The craziest things happen to me..

So, I dropped off dear Nathalie at the airport this morning, and even though its a fantastically warm, sunny day, I was craving a hot chocolate. I pulled in to the Wild Bean Cafe by the airport (thanks to fabulous friend Lana for introducing me to the BEST hot chocolate in the world - and Yes, its from a petrol station) and strutted across the car park with my piping hot, hot chocolate in hand. Whilst basking in the sunshine, mid-strut - some MORON walks STRAIGHT into me and chucks the whole mug of BOILING hot, hot choc down my chest... and laughs and walks off. The forecourt is FULL of people and everyone is just staring at me in disbelief. By now my boobies are really stinging and i'm not sure whether to laugh or cry. I just jumped in my car, stripped off my top and drove all the way home in my bra, crying from the pain, cursing the seat belt for being strategically placed across my right boob.

What a first-class utter Moron. And it still hurts 3 hours later, for the record.

We went on our girls night on Friday night and had so much fun, will post pics when I get some from my camera friends.

Off to fetch Shane at the beach, tough life isn't it?

Keep Smiling and sending sympathy for my sore boobies,
me xxx